"Tough Mudder is the TOUGHEST one day event on the planet. This is not your average mud run or boring spirit-crushing road race. Our 7 mile obstacle courses are designed by British Special Forces to test all-round toughness, strength, stamina, fitness, camaraderie and mental grit. Forget about your race time, simply completing the event is a badge of honor. Not everyone will finish, but those who do make it to our post-race party will have truly earned the right to call themselves a Tough Mudder."
New York & Pennsylvania (Allentown) — Sunday May 2 2010 — Enter Now
Northern California — Saturday October 9 2010 — Enter Now
Texas (Austin/Dallas) — Saturday November 13 2010 — Enter Now
Illinois (Chicago) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Washington (Seattle) Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Southern California (Los Angeles & San Diego) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Colorado (Denver) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Arizona (Phoenix) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Florida (Miami) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Georgia (Atlanta) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Massachusetts (Boston) — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
Washington DC — Coming 2011 — Preregister Now
World’s Toughest Mudder Series Finals — End 2011 (Location TBD) — Qualifying Requirements