January 2, 2008, today was stretch and strength day, need to get the core in shape and stay in shape throughout the season. I am trying to follow the
Monkey Bar Gyms workouts.
Their Philosophy is:
The Monkey Bar Gym is a no machine, no mirror, old school gymnasium that focuses on movements, not muscles.
We teach & train:
Motor fitness: running, jumping, pushing, and pulling, and progress each from beginner to professional athlete.
“Each one teach one,” to help one another through positive feedback and encouragement, to break through walls that held them back mentally and physically.
“Eat a whole food, plant based diet” and to understand why it is so beneficial to all.
“Full body exercise” that prevents & heals injuries & dramatically improves performance.
“Collective power” which is natural whole body exercises, natural whole food nutrition, and collectively helping each other.
Our Mission is to change the way people look at health and fitness with my Monkey Bar Gymnasium (MBG) Method. I want to wake everyone up so that they open their minds to experiencing how their bodies really work. I want to show people that the old ways of whole body exercise are still the best.
We focus on moving toward a more positive, collective form of exercise that engages one’s entire body and mind, builds usable strength, and inspires physical and social confidence.
In the MBG Method, we teach people how to run, jump, climb ropes, do handstands, dodge, and react like they did on the playground as kids. Doing natural exercise in a fun and playful manner but yet extremely challenging helps people from all backgrounds learn from each other in a non-discriminating environment.
- Jon Hinds, Owner & Founder of the Monkey Bar Gym
I am planning on getting
certified as well through MBG.
So here is what I did yesterday:
1 Set Workout - January 2nd
Perform 60 seconds of as many reps as possible for each exercise. Rest 1 minute between sets. When done, rest 3 minutes, then go through circuit again, each exercise 30 seconds of as many reps as possible. Rest 30 seconds in between exercises.
1. Snatch
* Stability-4-16K
* Strength-20-24K
* Power-24K+
2. Split Squat
* Stability-4-16K
* Strength-20-24K
* Power-24K+
3. Handstand Pushups
* Stability-Down Dog Pushups
* Strength-Down Dog Pushups w/feet on box
* Power-Handstand Pushups
4. Chinups
* Stability-60 degree assisted
* Strength-90 degree assisted
* Power-Regular
5. Cleans
* Stability-4-16K; 20-60 lb D-Ball
* Strength-20-24K; 60-80 lb D-Ball
* Power-24K+; 80 lb+ D-Ball
6. Push Press
* Stability-4-16K; 20-60 lb D-Ball
* Strength-20-24K; 60-80 lb D-Ball
* Power-24K+; 80 lb+ D-Ball
7. Jungle Gym Leg Curls
* Stability-hips on floor
* Strength-hips 1'' off floor
* Power-hips 6'' off floor
8. Power Wheel Rollouts
* Stability-hold
* Strength-1/2 range
* Power-full range
Cheers and tomorrow is a run day.